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How I Turned $100 into $1000 Vacant Land Sold in 3 hours

Jan 31, 2024

How I Turned $100 into  $1000 Vacant Land Sold in 3 hours

My Journey from Flipping Houses to Flipping Vacant Land

I wanted to share with you all the incredible journey I've had in the real estate world. It's been a rollercoaster, starting from flipping houses in the vibrant San Francisco Bay Area to navigating through the tumultuous times of the 2008 market crash.

After the crash, real estate, for me, dried up. I needed a break, a moment to step back and reassess. Fast forward a few years, and I found myself being drawn back into the world of real estate. This time, something was different - I was intrigued by the potential of vacant land investments. Podcasts, YouTube videos, you name it - I immersed myself in learning everything I could about this niche.

I knew I needed a solid plan. So, I started by building a list. I remember vividly walking into the assessor's office, paying $25, and getting my list on a CD ROM. With this list in hand, I designed a simple yet effective postcard through Click to Mail. I wasn’t a design expert by any means, but I put together something that worked. I sent out 500 of these postcards, unsure but hopeful.

The response wasn’t immediate, but patience paid off. I remember my first successful deal - a landlocked lot in Mississippi. The owner sold it to me for just $100! I flipped it for $1,000 without the buyer even seeing the property. That's a $900 profit in just three hours! And from that same batch of postcards, another deal followed, netting an even larger profit.

That experience was a game-changer for me. It validated my approach and gave me the confidence to refine my strategies - better lists, improved marketing materials, and a deeper understanding of property values.

Today, I stand here, proud of the journey I've embarked on and the successes I've had.

It all started with a simple postcard and a lot of determination. If I’ve learned anything, it’s that sometimes the simplest strategies can lead to the most rewarding outcomes.

Here's to more learning, growing, and succeeding in the ever-evolving world of real estate!



Michael Robertson

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